Results 17 comments of Jack Sorrell

I like @Anonym271's last idea the most I think. It's a good change to gate the Nylium behind the Nether.

@maruohon You can change the worldgen rules before creating the world by adding the conf file early like you said. You could also try setting the rule and deleting the...

I've know that's an issue. The lava from wandering traders mechanic has been left over from SkyRising's skyblock mod. But before obsidian/portals, there's no good way to automate the process...

This mod is designed as a Carpet extension, so Carpet is required. I might look into making a fork that doesn't require Carpet and instead uses its own settings system...

@Mrloic23 > also Aternos won't accept it if you develop it "specifically for aternos" (carpet without fake player had that exact issue) Yeah. It wouldn't be specifically developed for Aternos...

I don't really want to embed a bunch of different datapacks for each tree type because it will just add bloat to the datapack selection screen. If you don't want...

Here's a zip file of birch, spruce, dark oak, and jungle tree start structure files [](

I tested breeding in a new empty world and it works fine. As long as the villagers have empty slots in their inventory and the carrots and potatoes are close...

That sound like an interesting challenge to watch, but terribly tedious to play. It seems like the only change that's needed is a different initial spawn. This challenge seems to...

What things specifically? I assume Pinu generates a stronghold with one room so there's an end portal frame and lava available, but this mod already makes those things available in...