Jonnatan Oyarzún
Jonnatan Oyarzún
Hi My code looks like: ``` const myApi = require("./myApi"); robot.respond(/my regex/i, res => { myApi .process() .then(result => res.send(result.message)) }); ``` myApi is a wrapper for Google Api. So,...
Hi there. I want to add tests for future refactoring and not breaking anything. The idea is refactoring to isolate the recognizer code and be able to add others streaming...
Hi there! The idea of Caronaboard is really good. So I would like to have this in others languages. I'm Chilean and I think we would love to have Carona...
Hello there I've setup all and it's working but the timezone still appears to be incorrect. I've set America/Santiago and it should show 21:50 but it's showing 1:50. I did...