Jouni Kantola

Results 21 comments of Jouni Kantola

_TL;DR_ Reading up in this issue I downloaded `Noesis.Javascript v0.7 - (` and referenced the v4.0 binaries in the project and rebuild, and that worked _in debug mode_. I'm...

@ruszki: Thank you very much for the PR 🥇 I'm sorry I haven't replied until now; I apologise. I've been testing your updates, and the following bits I've verified works:...

I'll reiterate the comment I made in the issue for reaching webpack 4 here as well:

As stated above in this PR (, I couldn't get `inline-chunk-manifest-html-webpack-plugin` to create the chunk manifest properly with this update. To stress, I have not done any work at all...

@whizkydee: We can continue the discussion here. It'd be awesome if you want to continue maintaining `inline-chunk-manifest-html-webpack-plugin`. I've pushed the code I used for testing this PR. Instead of using...

@ruszki: Thank you for the input. That is really helpful! As a chunk manifest exists by default, I'd expect `inline-chunk-manifest-plugin` to work without setting configuration of the `optimization` property. As...

Can you please make a repro in a gist (including what package versions you're using) or an example repo?

Thank you for the PR 🥇 A couple of comments: 1. The `inject` option you're referring to as documented is actually for `html-webpack-plugin`. - See this issue - The...

As of closing PR this can now be worked on. I'd much appreciate a PR. Currently, I don't really have the time to solving this one. 👶 👶 require...

Accidentally closed when typing 😁 What I was going to write was: 1. Could you please add a repro setup? 2. I'd gladly take PRs. 3. Maybe there are other...