Jouni Kantola

Results 5 issues of Jouni Kantola

webpack 4 introduces changes so that multiple runtime chunks can be generated when using the [new optimization features]( This issue is for tracking and updating `inline-chunk-manifest-html-webpack-plugin` as [html-webpack-plugin]( is ready...

@NinoFloris reported the runtime asset having different hash even if contents are the same, after extracting the chunk manifest. Thank you! This unnecessary cache bust would be nice to fix....

help wanted

If a separate manifest chunk is built with webpack, it's important that the manifest file's chunk hash changes when other content is updated, if one does not rely on inlining...

**Describe the bug** The following error message is displayed in Windows 11 when following the [Your First Neutralinojs App docs]( ```powershell neu: INFO Starting process: neutralino-win_x64.exe --load-dir-res --path=. --export-auth-info --neu-dev-extension...


**Describe the bug** The `` doesn't show the app when it's minimized in Windows 11. With the following example code, the window should be displayed after 3 seconds, but it's...
