Josh McKinney

Results 110 comments of Josh McKinney

fix: tweaks - Move constants closer to their usage - add an exit field to app - extract methods from the main loop to make the flow clearer - move...

> Given that there are other Repos with widget examples… how about a ratatui feature for an example base? Other widgets in other repos can also use them as a...

I think it might be better to incorporate that file in each example instead as it makes each example self contained as a single file. Publishing public code locks you...

Once the consistency is there automating the lint will be fairly simple (each line matches a regex). The rationale behind this change was that there is a tool that uses...

Got it - I'll add this at some point soon

> How's this going? Done - I think I used the linter to find all the places in the readme that didn't have descriptions, and added them (mostly copied from...

A column named "Name" is another one that seems to trigger this bug.

Anyone care to comment?

@dstftw care to comment?

@Manouchehri this currently is only handling login with NHL TV logins, not Rogers. It looks like Rogers login is handled fairly similarly (different url, slight different JSON login request). This...