Josh McKinney

Results 110 comments of Josh McKinney

As a user of this tool, I don't mind whether this labeled as a bug or a feature. The distinction only matters for those that see things from the perspective...

I think this might be similar to my suggestion over at which talks about the way someone wrote a Valhalla Max4Live device that puts the UI in Ableton's device...

Hey - it's not something that I've tried specifically, but I suspect that you're running into the language constraints here. See and for details. I'm not sure that...

Hi there - would you mind taking a look at #207? It's a one-line fix to the issue

Reading a little more, I think I might have messed up the production names changing them to uni12345 instead of u12345 at least according to

> Thanks! Merged Closing out as merged in the related commit.

Not right now as far as I can tell, but this would be awesome. I think it could be possible using [argument aggregation](, and in theory you might be able...

Hi, sorry that I missed seeing this comment until just now. Would you be interested in submitting a PR with some tests to show a bit more how this works?...

I don't have any Kotlin experience, and I'm not currently actively using this library on any of my current projects (which are mostly JUnit4 based 😭). Happy to take pull...

I see the same problem with iTerm2 on macOS.