Bharat Joshi
Bharat Joshi
Does the current version of plugin support auto-complete for ros related variables, package name, parameter names, xml tags etc. If yes, please mention how to use it. I could auto...
Looks like you guys published the paper. What did you use for ground truth annotation?
Hello, @lachlan-nicholson I tried to test it on TUM dataset. It did not work as impressive as in paper. I wanted to know if you can publish the noise parameters...
I am using GoPro Max with firmware v2.0. The scaled raw magnetometer readings are very wrong. I am using scaled data. I took the GoPro outside with minimal ferromagnetic materials...
Hi, What is the orientation of the Magnetometer with respect to the Camera? The readme for GoPro Max says "Camera pointing direction x,y,z (valid in v2.0 firmware)". I have the...
Solves the compilation issue " error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line"
Hi, This is great work. I am trying to run Kontiki with IMU measurements from inbuilt GoPro IMU. Do you have any example of how to create SfM data from...
I am trying to move Clearpath husky around the corridor with loops using monocular camera. But the map scale changes while moving the robot around. Are there any specific parameters...
The images from ([TUM-VI dataset]( cannot be loaded with error Unknown image type 2!. It would be better if you could add support for "mono16" images as well.
Hi, On the test data with a single cuboid, the quadric slam shows 4 ellipsoids. Was that the result you got or am I doing something wrong? The poses look...