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Support auto complete for nodes, packages etc.
Does the current version of plugin support auto-complete for ros related variables, package name, parameter names, xml tags etc. If yes, please mention how to use it. I could auto complete using tradition al Ctrl+Space.
Sorry, I don't fully understand the question. Can you please provide an example of what is not working?
Thanks for the quick reply.
For example, In this code nippet <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="manager"/>
If I type <no only and press Ctrl+Space which is default shortcut for completion in QtCreator will IDE suggest <node as an option or not.
Hope, I have made this clear.
This does not exist yet. This would require a custom editor written for the xml files to provide ROS specific auto complete. Currently only standard auto-completion provided by Qt Creator is supported but there are plans to implement custom editors in the future.
Great. Thanks for this plugin. Its been a great help to organize the ROS code.