Bharat Joshi
Bharat Joshi
Hello @cyberphantom @Fawzikhattar, I am getting buffer full issue and also the ardrone_driver node crashes after like 2-3 minutes. Did you get the same problem? If yes, how did you...
@mani-monaj I am getting buffer full issue and it's coming from video_stage_tcp.c file in devel/src/ardronelib/ARDroneLib/Soft/Lib/ardrone_tool/Video, probably due to high resolution images. I tried to increase the buffer size at line...
Thanks for the quick reply. For example, In this code nippet `` If I type
Great. Thanks for this plugin. Its been a great help to organize the ROS code.
@dnewman-gpsw I am trying to use STMP from gpmf data to synchronize video. Is the microsecond timestamp with respect track start?
@dnewman-gpsw I will be doing something like this. stmp_accl = get_stamp(STR2FOURCC("ACCL")) //for all payload stmp_cori = get_stamp(STR2FOURCC("CORI")) // for the first payload only stamp_accl_sync = unix_start_time + stmp_accl - stmp_cori...
@dnewman-gpsw it's because I am using ROS and it requires epoch time. If the relative time is correct, it should not matter yeah. or I can just use video creation...
@dnewman-gpsw thanks to you I was able to run visual-inertial odometry using GoPro IMU data.
@rlamarche I was not able to do with GoPro5 as well. There is a start stamp for each payload in the new GoPros (GoPro 8 and 9). I used that...
@vislero I calculated the noise parameters using You need to save a bag file with no motion for around 4 hours and then calculate the allan plots. I just...