@YanhaoZhang @gaowenliang do you figure out the param max_cluster meaning?,,,i think it refers to the delt-t meaning the noise sampling time, but i don't know the unit of the max_clustering.....
ok.thank u...observing from the calib file, seems like I need to change the extrinsic param "D_T_C_r"..I would retry to calibrate it by kalibr
[report-imucam-homelingdata.pdf]( here is my kalibr calibration result,,,the reprojection error is around 0.5pix ,,and seems like the timeshift between cam and imu is very bad(i don't know why..) Anyway, i change...
i think that "path" needs an empty folder, u can try it.
but the tracking program would suddenly exit without any map saved when this error(or warning) occurs. is there any running condition to avoid this problem? cause i am running it...
yeah, it would crash just like the LOG file described above E0312 13:23:29.036715 19484] Optimize3dPoints takes too long (overall) 125 ms map points # 59541 add_constraints_ms 116 ceres_solution_ms 8...
hi, does it finished?,or maybe the app_pose_receiver can obtain the vio result ?
Hello, I am new to this field, would u please tell me what's the meaning of the "objectError", I don't know why the formula is like this "(reprojectionError / dist(imagePoints[0],...
hey , did u solve this problem? i got the same situation.