John Blackbourn

Results 282 issues of John Blackbourn

The list of required extensions originated at I don't believe the `filter` extension is actually required to run WP, but it's certainly required to run some popular plugins such...

Next to each extension should be shown the reason the extension is required or recommend. Nothing too wordy, just a short piece of info. This would add justification for each...

The documentation around the English language labels and how to provide translations is not clear. Needs a wiki page or something adding to the readme.


Categories and tags both appear as `` elements in RSS feeds. It should be possible for a taxonomy registered with Extended CPTs to opt in to being shown as a...


If a taxonomy is registered with a custom meta box type, for example `radio`, then when you're using the block editor the taxonomy meta box component just gets removed and...


Seems to affect permastructs which use something other than the post type slug as a prefix. Needs investigating further. Example: ``` php register_extended_post_type( 'foo', array( 'rewrite' => array( 'permastruct' =>...


Instead of specifying function and class names, the test case should instead specify a list of file paths which are then statically scanned for functions and classes, and tested. This...


Collectors currently store their data in an array (the `$data` property) which is not an efficient use of memory because the arrays get copied each time they're passed between methods....