Johan Klokkhammer Helsing

Results 86 issues of Johan Klokkhammer Helsing

A rollback aware version of Bevy's `Local` system params. I wanted to write systems with local resources in order to reduce boilerplate. And also to implement a rollback aware verison...

**Describe the bug** Run the example in #78 **To Reproduce** ``` cargo watch -cx "run --release --example particles -- --local-port 7001 --players localhost --input-delay 0 --desync-detection-interval 1 --rate 1"...


When a rollback is triggered, `bevy_ggrs` restores a saved world snapshot. It updates components by first removing them, and then adding them again. This triggers all queries with `Added` or...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It's very useful to have desync detection for things like player positions etc. However if your player positions are `Transform`...


It would be nice if it was possible to see what tag(s) I had checked out, i.e. when doing: git checkout v1.0.0 I would like to see v1.0.0 somewhere in...

good first issue


good first issue

Maybe add: - ridged multifractal - hybrid multifractal - worley - turbulence - voronoise Perhaps not all of them... I want to keep the scope and complexity of the crate...


Getting contact normals is important for a number of reason. In my case, I want to apply an impulse on contact and spawn a particle effect. As far as I...

collision detection

# Objective I tripped up on collisions, because I considered the units as meters, but the default value for prediction distance is 1 (presumably pixels) ## Solution Most of the...
