Johan Klokkhammer Helsing

Results 86 issues of Johan Klokkhammer Helsing

We currently just zoom and pan using the primary window. Perhaps we should try to figure out which window received input events and somehow map input to the right camera?

good first issue

When runing with: ``` .insert_resource(bevy::ecs::schedule::ReportExecutionOrderAmbiguities) ``` The plugin triggers warnings like: ``` 2022-12-11T11:59:00.137995Z INFO bevy_ecs::schedule::ambiguity_detection: Execution order ambiguities detected, you might want to add an explicit dependency relation between some...

good first issue

The current code assumes the camera is axis aligned with y up and x to the right. We could perhaps try to support modes where the camera has been rotated...


Hi, I was thinking maybe it would be nice to have constructors for creating square versions of the various size types. For instance, I'm currently doing: ```rust let tilemap_size =...


I'd like to be able to write the following code: ```rust pub fn maybe_f32(foo: f32) -> Option { // ... } /// in test let c = maybe_f32(); assert_relative_eq!(maybe_f32(123.0), None);...

I'm using a `bevy_particle_systems` that has `Range` fields. And I get this message: ![image]( I tried both of these things, but it doesn't seem to help: ```rust app.register_type::() .add_plugins(DefaultInspectorConfigPlugin) .add_plugins(WorldInspectorPlugin::default())...

Sometimes it's convenient not to overwrite the color of a sprite. If they have conflicting animations or are controlled by other systems for instance. Makes it a lot simpler to...

Maybe I'm mistaken, but as far as I understand, it looks like kira supports lots of different tweens (allowing frequency slides etc.), but that the only exposed tween is through...

I'm not really sure if this is intentional or not, but I get a panic after upgrading from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0 (on native). ``` 2023-04-07T15:28:53.676302Z ERROR wgpu::backend::direct: Handling wgpu errors...


The transform propagation system runs in the `PostUpdate` stage, so spawn the levels before `PostUpdate` so they have time to propagate, but after `ProcessApi`, so they'll be ready the next...