Joseph Musser

Results 395 comments of Joseph Musser

> For delegation feature itself, would you expect .Received() to still work for delegated calls? And overriding with .Returns? I would expect everything you describe, including the confusing scenarios if...

This seems like just the sort of helper which would be a perfect match for NSubstitute, both in usage and in philosophy. It's less confusing and less complex than faithfully...

Sure, I would agree with that. The [initial example]( I provided is straight out of and motivated by real-world code. It's not the only time I've been in this scenario,...

To answer your questions: - There's no inheritance. - How would I accomplish this with partial substitutes? - No, I'm not trying to inject IList into a concrete type. I'm...

Oh, by partial substitutes, do you mean I would write the substitute implementation myself, like this? ```cs var items = new List { /* ... */ }; var list =...

> Are the adapters present in the directory you are running the cli runner from ? Yes, I checked this. What's more, you can see VSTest finding and loading the...

Cool, `runTestsInIsolation: true` was translated to `/InIsolation`: @singhsarab The fact is that the adapter DLL beside the test assembly is properly found in all cases. It loads properly when...

@singhsarab /inisolation [did not help](; everything looks the same: ``` vstest.console.exe "d:\a\1\s\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.Test\bin\Release\net472\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.Test.dll" /Settings:"d:\a\_temp\qn55nqlalny.tmp.runsettings" /InIsolation /Logger:"trx" /TestAdapterPath:"d:\a\1\s" Starting test execution, please wait... No test is available in d:\a\1\s\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.Test\bin\Release\net472\PropertyChangedAnalyzers.Test.dll. ``` I can...

I lost track too. @JohanLarsson have you seen this recently?