
Results 138 issues of Jianshu_Zhao

Hello COBS team, Any possibilities to also support amino acid sequences (20 alphabets instead of 4 for DNA). I found this to be extremely useful for genome query/search. Thanks, Jianshu

Hello Echtvar team, Without too many experience in Rust, how do you make it completely static without relying on gcc compiling libraries such as libstdc++.so, when some of the dependencies/crates...

Hello Team, Whenever I open a new window (for a second project), I cannot save anything edited (program just cracked) in this window while for the main window it is...

C-crash 💥

Hello team, The newest release 0.1.3 on macOS I always have the following highlights, which I cannot make any change using keyboard: ![Screen Shot 2022-08-01 at 1 22 52 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38149286/182077748-35c3a34c-5052-4749-b058-2cf7299e818f.png)...


Dear Pynndescent team, I am wondering whether there could be an option for this library to provide an API to allow external distance metric so that some unique distance metric...

Hello Cd-hit team, I am using cd-hit like this: cd-hit -i 16S_sequences_2.fasta -G 0 -aS 0.2 -o 16S_sequences_2.cdhit -p 1 I want to calculate pairwise local identity and alignment column...

Hello Chirag, Does fastANI compress kmer/minimizer strings by default? I did not see it after checking. I realized that kmer counting from Heng Li's repo (based on kseq.h) (https://github.com/lh3/kmer-cnt/blob/master/kc-c1.c) compress...

### Summary Parallel bellman ford algorithm using rayon. This algorithm can be efficiently paralleled in C/C++ programming using OpenMP, I think it can also be paralleled using Rayon, parallel iterator...

Dear phyloflash author, when fasta file were used for spades.py assembly there was an error about not recognizing phred format. Add this line will solve the problem (most current sequncer...

add usearch support for ani calculation