
Results 138 issues of Jianshu_Zhao

Hello Team, I do not see the keep_pruned() and extend_candidate() option in N2 library, where it is impenmented in nsmlib? Thanks, Jianshu

Hello pynndescent team, I am in a situation where, distance computation is very expensive (genomic sequence), all versus all distance as input is not possible (it takes forever for all...

Hello granne team, I am wondering whether the angular distance by default can be any other metric distance like L1, L2, Cosine, Jaccard, Hamming distance? Another HNSW implementation provide such...

Dear Author, I used filterBam to filter bam files for only high coverage and identity mapped reads. However, for different minCover and minID, I have the same coverage depth using...

Hello uwot developer, This is the example I am using to testing ANNOY: library(RcppAnnoy) set.seed(123) mnist

Dear megabit team, any possibilities to provide support for macOS m1 chip? It works nice with Intel Macs. Many thanks, Jianshu

Hello Chirag, I noticed there are sse2neon folder there in the src but I still have the error on macOS ARM: c++ -c -msse2 -g -Wall -O2 -DHAVE_KALLOC -fopenmp -std=c++11...

Dear Bwa-mem2 team, Any plan for MacOS, since bwa mem support MacOS. For both ARM and Intel CPU types? Thanks, Jianshu

Hello team, I still have the msse error: rm -f src/*.o libbwa.a; cd ext/safestringlib/ && /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make clean; rm -f obj/*.o *~ core /*~ objtest/*.o rm -f libsafestring.a rm -f safestringtest...

Dear vsearch team, I am curious what is the theoretical time complexity for search_global algorithm related to database sequence size (considering the same length for both database sequence and query...
