Jhen-Jie Hong

Results 47 issues of Jhen-Jie Hong

Inspired by https://github.com/facebook/react-devtools/issues/705, currently https://github.com/zalmoxisus/remotedev-app/pull/30 (`[email protected]` beta) have done the theme setting so we can change it, it might release as v3.0, I think it would be better if we...

Continues of #323. - Use `PixelCopy.request` to capture SurfaceView content - Update video example - Upgrade react-native-video to latest alpha version because v5.2 doesn't work (jcenter issue) - Set `useTextureView={false}`...

- Upgrade lottie-ios to v3.4.1, which included fixes such as https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/pull/1660 - Implement render mode for iOS, so we can switch render engine by set `renderMode` prop - AUTOMATIC: Select...

[`react-native/react.gradle`](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/e8c1eeeb0630d73f106417684762f822ea980d91/react.gradle#L175-L218) shows how React Native uses `hermesc` to optimize the main bundle and run on Hermes.

It should be after [redux-devtools-extension](https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension) v3 landed. We have new UI changes coming from the new Redux DevTools Extension, the following screenshot is [`new-ui`](https://github.com/zalmoxisus/remotedev-app/tree/new-ui) branch of `remotedev-app` (v0.11 beta, see...


This PR is integration for [`xstate-devtools`](https://github.com/amitnovick/xstate-devtools) browser extension (https://github.com/statecharts/xstate-viz/issues/30). Implemented in a simple way like #298. The XState core is used [`__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__.connect`](https://github.com/davidkpiano/xstate/blob/a12c1a4a2cf2bf5ab78ce952f086d8835ccf9637/packages/core/src/interpreter.ts#L1177), so it have simple logging feature with `redux-devtools`....

don't merge

## TODO - [x] Context Menu: `should show AsyncStorage content as expected` - [x] Context Menu: `should clear AsyncStorage as expected` - [x] Context Menu: `should send Network request as...

It maybe a separate tab, just like Nuclide's [React Native Server Mode](http://nuclide.io/docs/platforms/react-native/#running-applications__command-line).

Hey :D My [project](https://github.com/jhen0409/react-chrome-extension-boilerplate) makes webpack-dev-server is `https`, so `inject page` hot reload can work in dev mode. But this project still use http, and no way to hot reload....

I've realized I have no way to resolve error of server response, looks like [this line](https://github.com/n1ru4l/graphql-schema-generator-rest/blob/master/src/schema-generator.js#L215) ignored server error and did nothing. I expected that can be resolved to `errors`...
