Jhen-Jie Hong

Results 90 comments of Jhen-Jie Hong

You're right, I'll add back `transform-es2015-destructuring`, until this issue is resolved. Keep this issue open. :)

This [playground](https://babeljs.io/repl/#?evaluate=true&lineWrap=false&presets=stage-2&code=let%20%7B%20x%2C%20y%2C%20...z%20%7D%20%3D%20%7B%20x%3A%201%2C%20y%3A%202%2C%20a%3A%203%2C%20b%3A%204%20%7D%3B) can simply reproduce the problem. Also I commented on [T7316](https://phabricator.babeljs.io/T7316#77771). I'll try to fix it this week.

Now [T7316](https://phabricator.babeljs.io/T7316) is merged to [T7086](https://phabricator.babeljs.io/T7086). It looks `transform-es2015-parameters` is also required, maybe we can split to new file, use `es2015-node6/object-rest` as a short-term solution? **_UPDATED_** I splitted `destructuring`, `parameters`...

Thanks! The `destructuring` is related to #2, I believe it will be removed in the near future. Currently the `function-name` has many of the features we need to enable `--harmony-function-name`...

@olalonde you can see `function "name" property` in [ES6 compatibility table](https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/#node6), currently babel has two features we need enable `--harmony-function-name` on node 6: - variables (function) - object methods (function)

@christophehurpeau, sorry for delay.. I think with the latest version will be better, so may I'll provide like `less-than-6.5` preset.

Could you check `babel-core` version >= [6.13.2](https://github.com/babel/babel/releases/tag/v6.13.2)? The options should be work fine for `babel-core` ^6.13.2.

Oh, you should do this on another preset: ``` js module.exports = { presets: [ [require("babel-preset-es2015-node6").buildPreset, { loose: true }] ] }; ``` See [latest preset usage](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/master/packages/babel-preset-latest/src/index.js#L1).

@peacechen have any progress on this? Maybe I can provide some help.

It looks like [reactNative util](https://github.com/zalmoxisus/remote-redux-devtools/blob/master/src/utils/reactNative.js) not working on newer versions of React Native, it removed `__fbBatchedBridge.RemoteModules`, but looks we can get hostname via `__fbBatchedBridgeConfig`, so I'll fix it. @maysam currently...