Jhen-Jie Hong

Results 47 issues of Jhen-Jie Hong

The [new patch version](https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/releases/tag/3.4.3) of lottie-ios already supports the text provider on the new CoreAnimation rendering engine, so we don't need a fallback anymore.

- [ ] thumb - support get frame by time - [ ] thumb - support resize # iOS - [ ] Use FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever iOS instead of AVMatadataItem

It looks like: ``` js import React, { Component } from 'react' import { subscribeTasks } from 'react-native-s3' const type = 'all' // download, upload, all const idAsKey = true...

Just like: ``` js import { TransferUtility } from 'react-native-s3'; const defaultTransfer = new TransferUtility(); // default instance const transfer = new TransferUtility('transfer_name_here'); ```


# iOS - [x] Move download-ios script to `prepublish` - ~~TransferManager~~ - [ ] Bucket Control - CredentialsProvider - [ ] STS # Android - ~~TransferManager (Deprecated)~~ - [ ]...

```js MediaPlayer.pushImage(require('./image.png'), 2000, MediaPlayer.PUSH_WAY.AtLast); MediaPlayer.pushVideo(require('./video.mp4'), 2000, MediaPlayer.PUSH_WAY.AtLast); ```


I made a React Native binding of whisper.cpp - [whisper.rn](https://github.com/mybigday/whisper.rn), hope someone is interested. :) For README update, I added it to the javascript bindings area.

Fix https://github.com/openai/openai-python/issues/283.

It does the same thing from [the makefile of main.cpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/blob/master/Makefile#L33) to optimize ggml in release mode for demo better performance on iOS/macOS app. Under the test of M1 Max MacBook...

Related to #637. Add `initial_prompt` so we can avoid some re-implement of `prompt_tokens` and `n_prompt_tokens`. This changes removes the print of prompt tokens because it may not ideal in whisper_full.