Jhen-Jie Hong

Results 90 comments of Jhen-Jie Hong

Currently we handle `@_RNS3_Events` and save progress to AsyncStorage, then call subscribers, let iOS version work well like Android version (because they are different 😂), it looks your PR will...

Currently I expected that, only native layer running in the background, so we do all subscriptions [in componentDidMount](https://github.com/mybigday/react-native-s3/blob/master/example/app.js#L60), it should can get current running tasks when restarted.

@damathryx, can you see any related logs in Xcode console?

@brianjd, @benjreinhart's [react-native-aws3](https://github.com/benjreinhart/react-native-aws3) can do. :D I recently had a similar use case for `asset-library://`, I temporary use [react-native-save-asset-library](https://github.com/wootwoot1234/react-native-save-asset-library), and consider add this behavior to `react-native-s3`.

If `helper` is null, it means `start()` may also do something unexpected. I think we need to track this problem.

@gre Please review this. Thanks!

Resolved the conflicts. For the `example/`, I also changed the render mode picker to use a dropdown, which reduces the height used.

It's awesome! I'll back to do more review next few days.

@SimulatedGREG Thanks for do this! I haven't enough time to. Look at your commit, `semver` can't compatible Chrome extension version, like currently `redux-devtools-extension` version is ``, should we update the...

Hey @zalmoxisus, thanks report, I will fix it. :D Also, test Canary on Travis/AppVeyor is good idea, but It seems none provided Linux version?