Jan Hanca
Jan Hanca
**Describe the bug** When the vector of elements in a component is modified, the reflection of the elements is incorrectly refreshed and some parts of the elements are missing. Please...
## Change summary This PR cherry-picks changes that were pushed to the `main` branch (directly or via _stabilization_ branches) and that were not pushed to the `development` branch causing the...
## Describe the issue briefly There is a website with documentation about [Robot Importer](https://docs.o3de.org/docs/user-guide/interactivity/robotics/importing-robot/) feature in the Robotics section, but there is no sample tutorial on importing a robot with...
Ideally RoundRobinSpawner.h/cpp and Source/Spawners/IPlayerSpawner.h is deleted entirely, and removed from the cmake file list: https://github.com/o3de/o3de-extras/blob/development/Templates/Multiplayer/Template/Gem/Code/%24%7BNameLower%7D_files.cmake Remove game code references to RoundRobinSpawner and IPlayerSpawner as well (I think there's references inside...
The following fix was required on my Ubuntu to build the Multiplayer Template: ```diff diff --git a/Templates/Multiplayer/Template/Gem/Code/Source/Components/NetworkAiComponent.cpp b/Templates/Multiplayer/Template/Gem/Code/Source/Components/NetworkAiComponent.cpp index d8a7cb49..1865666b 100644 --- a/Templates/Multiplayer/Template/Gem/Code/Source/Components/NetworkAiComponent.cpp +++ b/Templates/Multiplayer/Template/Gem/Code/Source/Components/NetworkAiComponent.cpp @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ namespace...
**Describe the bug** There are two incorrect assets in `WarehouseAutomation` Gem. 1. `Assets/Factory/EuroPallet.prefab` 1. `Assets/Factory/TableUnderRobot.prefab` The first one does not load at all due to incorrect paths of mesh and...
Some urdf files (e.g. [Agility Robotics Digit Robot](https://github.com/adubredu/DigitRobot.jl)) use negative scale values in order to mirror meshes (left leg to right leg, etc.). Such robot description files cannot be successfully...
## What does this PR do? This PR cherry-picks the fix that was merged to `stabilization` branch back to the `development` branch. Please refer to #725 for details of the...
## What does this PR do? The development in the `o3de-extras` repository did not follow the agreement made for `o3de`, in which all code had been targetting the `stabilization` branch....
## Change summary Updated _robotics_ section of _interactivity and simulation_ in the documentation before the upcoming release: - updated information about supported platforms (ROS 2 Jazzy with Ubuntu 2404 and...