Jerome Dalbert

Results 10 issues of Jerome Dalbert

I was recently doing some "spring cleaning" by reviewing the freshness and pertinence of all the projects in `apps/`. So I thought I'd make this update PR to get the...

Panopticon is [retired]( According to, most features moved to, and This PR removes panopticon, and adds those apps instead.

The Hummingbird app was rebranded to Kitsu and now lives under a different repository:

Fixes Implementation is based on the suggestion in this comment: This is especially useful for Rails applications (or any application using ActiveSupport inflections) that define mixed-case custom acronyms,...

We may want to document this in the README: ```ruby field :some_field, String, cache: { key: ->(obj) { "#{}123blah" } } ```

I am not sure that this is a good idea. I will need to think more about that tomorrow or if I even actually need to to this. But here...


Similar to Rails views: ```ruby - cache_if (current_user.nil?) do ``` And [actionpack-action_caching]( ```ruby caches_action :show, if: -> { current_user.nil? } ``` It would be nice to be able to do...


Is it possible to handle cookies in the same manner as curl? Some relevant extracts from curl's man page: ``` -c, --cookie-jar (HTTP) Specify to which file you want curl...

Add a `g:rails_single_quotes_style` option. Addresses #458 and the discussions in #343. I am not a Vimscript guru (being a recent Vim convert) but after hacking these lines together, this seems...

The `rails-:Rextract` doc says: ``` And you issue this command: :2,3Rextract post Your file will change to this: 1 2 3 ``` `'post'` uses single quotes, but if you try...