Jerome Dalbert

Results 14 comments of Jerome Dalbert

> Is there some way to automatically generate a change log from commit information? > Using commit log diffs as changelogs is a bad idea: they're full of noise. Things...

I'm also coming from I am using that gem to facilitate caching, but because my schema has unions, some parts of my app can't be cached at the moment....

I am having this problem too, mainly for HTML files. Let's say I type `coconut`. Is there a way for emmet not to consider it expandable and not to expand...

#### Initial config: ``` vim imap TabComplete() smap TabComplete() xmap TabComplete() function! TabComplete() if neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() return "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" elseif &filetype =~ 'html\|css' && emmet#isExpandable() return "\(emmet-expand-abbr)" elseif pumvisible() return "\" endif...

Interesting start, but with this solution, some functionality is lost. Emmet HTML and CSS expression syntax do not work any more when you press tab. For HTML I guess one...

Improving on @mattn's suggestion, and by looking at the `s:emmet_settings` variable in `emmet-vim/autoload/emmet.vim`, I made this snippet which satisfies most of my needs. It takes into account some basic Emmet...

Looks like an emmet-vim bug on `emmet#isExpandable()`

I hope this issue is not too much of a hassle or waste of time, because I don't find myself often needing this. If it is a hassle, feel free...

The workarounds above don't seem thread-safe since they are modifying a global `Audit.table_name` variable. So if you're using multi-threaded gems like Puma or Sidekiq, there will likely be bugs.

@gschier A similar thing happens to me on Insomnia 6.3.2; maybe this is a separate issue. When I modify my GQL API, the API URL stays the same so there...