
Results 12 issues of jeromeDms

Hi James. Was wondering if you have coefficient file for piano ? Thanks Jerome

Hi Just updated to Xcode 9 and iOS 11 and it seems the fade behavior no longer works in TLYShyViewController.m (function _updateSubviewsAlpha) The alpha property has no effect on the...

Dear All When the navigation bar is contracted (hidden), when I add or remove navigationItems to the navigation bar, I can observe the navigation items being displayed over the statusBar....

Hi Thanks for your awesome component ! I'm facing an issue when using your component with a refresh/load more component available here: Basically, everything works as expected until I...

Dear All First of all, thanks for this framework ! I'm facing an issue, when I move with my iPhone in the hand, the POI is following me. I read...

Hi I found an issue. startFocusingView calls focusViewControllerForView in the above focusViewControllerForView, the large image is loaded asynchronously as follow: `dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [self loadImageFromURL:url onImageView:viewController.mainImageView]; viewController.mainImageView.hidden = NO; });...

Hi, I do not understand how to trigger a deletion of a message ? Also, when is called the delegate : -(void)tableView:(ZHCMessagesTableView *)tableView didDeleteMessageAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath ? Thanks

Hi All According to the ESP32 forum, this SdFat library seems faster than the implementation of FATFs in esp-idf libraries. I'm facing some difficulties keeping a continuous write to the...

Hi there I do not see any example showing how we can achieve geo-based AR. I'd like to place POIs on AR view, based on their location (Latitude, longitude). POIs...

Hi I'm developing on an iMac 2011, unfortunately I cannot install OS higher than High Sierra, thus cannot install Xcode 11, thus cannot run iOS 13. The current code does...