
Results 10 comments of jeromeDms

Same issue. I'm using contacts and location permissions. Multiple crashes reported by firebase

Hi Facing the same issue since I switched to flutter beta branch. location: ^4.3.0

@halmueller I'm facing the same issue, POIs are moving with me. Was wondering how did you solve this ? Thanks

Hi I'm also interesting in using your framework in an obj-C project. @vishal07malvi did you succeed in this ? Thanks

My workaround is to call [self.focusViewController focusDidEndWithZoomEnabled:self.zoomEnabled]; once the large image has been loaded in focusViewControllerForView: ``` dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [self loadImageFromURL:url onImageView:viewController.mainImageView]; if(viewController.scrollView.hidden == NO) { viewController.mainImageView.hidden = NO;...

Hi Does this modification also works with tableview (not scrollview) ? Thanks

ok, here is the workaround : ``` - (void)_updateSubviewsAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha { for (UIView* view in self.view.subviews) { bool isBackgroundView = view == self.view.subviews[0]; bool isViewHidden = view.hidden || view.alpha < FLT_EPSILON;...

You are right, I was using a custom title view, when using both custom title or normal title, the following updated patch should work (please confirm) ``` - (void)_updateSubviewsAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha {...

Hi No, unfortunately I did not find a way to achieve using this plugin.