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POIs is moving with iPhone
Dear All First of all, thanks for this framework ! I'm facing an issue, when I move with my iPhone in the hand, the POI is following me. I read some others observing this, but did not find a clear solution to solve this. Am I missing something ? Initializing the framework with a wrong parameter ? I'm using the code from the example, I did not change anything appart from adding a couple of @objc tags in front of the functions I use from my objective C project. Thanks for any tip you can provide about the above issue. Jerome
@jeromeDms Have you resolved this?
This seems to be particularly bad when the waypoints are very hear the device (1-10 meters). You can fix the horizontal movement by setting an altitude, but the other two planes move a lot. Hoping for a solution to reduce this movement...
@jeromeDms you have probably solved this but check to make sure you have set "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" in your info.plist
Hey has anyone figured out how to keep the nodes still?