open_file copied to clipboard
I can't open a PDF created with the iOS 15.0 simulator in Flutter, and the app crashes.
The Flutter app crashes with open_file. PDF can be created, displayed and downloaded normally on the actual Android device.
I changed the iOS 15.0 simulator from iPhone 13 Pro Max to iPhone SE (2nd), restarted Android Studio, and tried flutter clean, but it didn't improve.
Execution environment
macOS BigSur / Android Studio / Simulator iOS 15.0
open_file: ^3.2.1
pdf: ^3.6.1
final Document pdf = Document();
final String dir = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
final String path = '$dir/report.pdf';
final File file = File(path);
await file.writeAsBytes((await;; // ← Flutter app crashes here
I am facing the same issue, But with the video file.
Same issue
Any solution to this?
Same issue here
Same issue (only in debug mode), is there a solution ?
any solution for this?
same issue
is this package still maintained? because I see no response or any activity for this issue :-(
same issue as well. works perfectly fine on android though but crashes on ios
Mismo problema, alguien le encontro solucion?