Justin Dalrymple

Results 22 issues of Justin Dalrymple

## Summary 1. Updating library to match latest 14.x API 2. Updating typing to use explicit return types on all exposed functions 3. Removing 'version' as a Resource parameter. v4...


## What is this? I figured it would be nice to have an overview of what is coming up next both for myself and anyone interested in the project. This...


**Description** With every release, the current gitlab api version should be mentioned somewhere. Maybe in the readme? Or release notes?

technical debt

**Description** Codecov is deprecating their nodejs uploader package: https://about.codecov.io/blog/introducing-codecovs-new-uploader/ **Possible solutions** Update the CI file to use the new uploader

technical debt

**Description** Current package build speeds are quite slow **Possible solutions** Utilize esbuild and dts for compilation and type generation - https://github.com/egoist/rollup-plugin-esbuild - https://github.com/evanw/esbuild - https://github.com/Swatinem/rollup-plugin-dts

technical debt

Adding vuepress version of the docs TODO: 1. Expose the vuepress site (Github page?) 2. Clean up theme a bit to improve readability closes: #39

**Description** Not sure what the best way to do this would be, but having a way to view some of the internal process would be very useful in debugging. passing...


**Description** Testing documentation is outdated. It should be updated to point out unit test procedure and how to setup a local testing environment to run the integration tests.


**Describe the bug** Currently my latest build fails on the release step with a E2BIG [error](https://gitlab.com/jdalrymple/gitbeaker/-/jobs/592645060#L125). I've done some research and found this can be due to a few reasons...
