Justin Dalrymple

Results 23 issues of Justin Dalrymple

The latest version of esbuild throws an error when encountering undefined config properties. This code removes undefined properties before sending the config to esbuild

Hey! I've looked through most of the related issues in this repo (#34) and the archived repo as well as some PR's to get some background. That being said, with...

One of our users ran into a [problem](https://github.com/jdalrymple/node-gitlab/issues/417) due to the typing of form-data :( Specifically the error: ``` tsc --outDir lib node_modules/gitlab/dist/infrastructure/index.d.ts:2:8 - error TS1259: Module '"D:/my-project/node_modules/@types/form-data/index"' can only...

Would it be possible to support async convert functions?


## Summary When using the ls function, the return is always an empty array. If i use the list function, i see all the directories contents. I've also tested by...

Similar to version or help, Is it possible to add an option that triggers a command on the root? For example: ``` cli.js --root-option [command: root-option] [boolean] ``` would run...

Would it be possible to generate the key as well as the value? { ... 'chance.word' : ' chance.word' ... }

Something similar to this: ```javascript { type: 'select', table: 'mytable', joins: [ { target: 'mysecondtable', type: 'inner', on: { id: '$mytable.id$' }, columns: '*' }, ], } ``` Which would...

### Issue Summary After a fresh install, I go to login and after about 20 seconds, i see this error pop up in the login screen: ![image](https://uploads.linear.app/e86bf957-d82f-465e-b205-135559f4b623/7674c8fe-1726-40f2-85e4-9087cd601839/c8a506d1-d81c-4146-968c-bde64031612b?signature=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwYXRoIjoiL2U4NmJmOTU3LWQ4MmYtNDY1ZS1iMjA1LTEzNTU1OWY0YjYyMy83Njc0YzhmZS0xNzI2LTQwZjItODVlNC05MDg3Y2Q2MDE4MzkvYzhhNTA2ZDEtZDgxYy00MTQ2LTk2OGMtYmRlNjQwMzE2MTJiIiwiaWF0IjoxNzA2NzE0OTM0LCJleHAiOjE3MDY4MDEzMzR9.-wAXHUh7h1RGFLrMtld2tMTfoQBnQ2k9nFk6ZmKXBII) Note related issues:...

Low priority

I'm not sure why, but this path gets clipped at the arc section in the konva-vue package. I've tested in the react release as well which did work. Both in...