joshua stein

Results 12 comments of joshua stein

I probably won't have time to work on it any time soon as I don't use this plugin anymore.

i think this is because stdout and stderr get closed right away. this might get fixed when it's changed to send stdout and stderr to adium's debug log.

My company under which I released the app on the App Store has been renamed and is no longer doing general software development, so the Endless app doesn't really fit...

That project has a GPLv3 license which is not compatible with this project, so the rules can't be directly imported and shipped with Endless. I suppose it could fetch that...

I don't understand why this happens, but none of the [proposed solutions]( seems to have any effect.

Looks like this will be in Firefox 77

A `truncate --size 737280 nc200.img` worked for me on my NC200 with a Gotek unit.

The firefox extension can be built with `make firefox-extension`

I think this needs to be put behind an option to enable it.