xbanish icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
xbanish copied to clipboard

Hide cursor on touch events.

Open AtomToast opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

based on https://github.com/jcs/xbanish/pull/25/ but with fixed indentation

works perfectly on my gpd win max

AtomToast avatar Sep 04 '20 13:09 AtomToast

This might be a silly question (I got no touch pad to test this), but isn't the touch pad basically a mouse-replacement, so when it get activated, then the mouse pointer should NOT be hidden? I see the point for a virtual keyboard though: if that is opened and you touch the virtual keys, then the pointer should disappear. Is that what this change does?

haraldkubota avatar Sep 22 '20 00:09 haraldkubota

It is a mouse replacement. However I'd consider the cursor part of the mouse user scheme. It really doesn't add anything to a touch experience since you are not trying to move a cursor around with your finger but to just hit a thing on your screen and for that action to get executed. The cursor staying around is just visual noise and kind of distracting.

I don't see how having a virtual keyboard would be different from hitting any other button on your screen. If you look at other touch devices like phones you will never find a cursor staying around where you tapped the screen. This is also the same behaviour on for example windows devices with a touchscreen. The mouse cursor becomes invisible when you use your touchscreen.

If you are still wondering I can also record a video later for you to see the difference

AtomToast avatar Sep 23 '20 14:09 AtomToast

I think this needs to be put behind an option to enable it.

jcs avatar Sep 23 '20 16:09 jcs

AtomToast, thanks for the explanation. I was not thinking about touch screens at all. Makes perfect sense there to hide the pointer.

haraldkubota avatar Sep 24 '20 12:09 haraldkubota

I now added the option to keep the cursor after there was a touch event. I still think the correct default behaviour should be to hide it when using a touch screen

AtomToast avatar Sep 25 '20 13:09 AtomToast