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Wrong frame for bookmark tableview after presenting alert controller

Open JRomainG opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

Steps to reproduce

Open the bookmarks from the web view menu controller and trigger the presentation of an alert view controller by either touching the "+" button or by selecting a table view cell. The frame is sometimes only modified after selecting cancel or OK on the alert view.

What happens

The whole view's frame changes after presenting the view controller. For example, on an iPhone SE, I logged the frames in "addItem:sender" before presenting the alert controller and in the uiac callback: • tableView frame: {{0, 0}, {320, 568}} — view frame: {{0, 0}, {320, 568}} • tableView frame: {{0, 47}, {320, 548}} — view frame: {{0, 47}, {320, 548}} simulator screen shot


I tested on the iPhone SE simulator and on a real device, both had that issue.

JRomainG avatar Feb 16 '17 09:02 JRomainG

I don't understand why this happens, but none of the proposed solutions seems to have any effect.

jcs avatar Mar 04 '17 22:03 jcs