Ben Creasy

Results 90 comments of Ben Creasy

As far as #69 this seems to be covered in more detail at - the equivalent page here might be but it is more limited.

fyi, you probably know this, but you can also ask questions at or!forum/nix-devel (altho the latter is being deprecated)

Should also consider multiple registries

How about allowing for multiple registries generally in the system npmrc - falling back to another one if not found in the first?

My use case is the same as above - wanting something portable on Windows without dealing with registry changes. Embedded python doesn't ship with venv so I was hoping to...

Thanks @pfmoore - introducing a dependency on nuget (which I've never used before, Windows is definitely of a secondary thing for me) when it's not in my regular stack isn't...

@pbeckingham sounds like this might be fixed? > I was hoping for a wait:due-1d or due-1h operation or a preservation of the relative time difference between due and wait when...

@rpeshkov perhaps org mode? there's also RST which it appears supports multiline cells there's also table.el

note that following semantic versioning affects the decision calculus in whether to use this product (especially in businesses, e.g. my employer brightideainc) - it's best if we can reliably upgrade

@rshea0 (and anyone else who runs into this `null value in column \"X\" violates not-null constraint` when saving - in my case the issue there is and it can...