Ben Creasy

Results 90 comments of Ben Creasy

I emailed him. Looks like there is something going on over at

@ShawnMcCool I think this is probably resolved - could you close it?

@jensk this is intriguing, but it might be more useful to make a pull request which includes a script that people can run to get this to happen...

Right now these pages mostly list commands, but I can see the two projects serving different purposes. Bro offers a list of useful and community-upvoted commands while using ~~GH~~ pages...

@rprieto well, if this is just going to be a duplicate of bro with a list of commands, I doubt I'll reach for it very often, as I'm mostly using...

How would you recommend doing that? Currently reading and it's just a teensy bit rough.

@fb55 @inikulin this could use the label jQuery Differences

This seems like a necessary addition for complete support for currency, doesn't it? Has anyone floated this up to the ECMA committee? I recommend reopening this to increase exposure.

I probably can't champion it but I'd be willing to explore it a bit and come up with some ideas, possibly. I put a message in the IRC channel #globalize...

@ghostsquad @andreynering thoughts? I had thought this might have something to do with since I noticed it using the Microsoft Terminal but not sure about that