Ben Creasy

Results 90 comments of Ben Creasy

> Yarn as of today does not work at all with typescript @types packages. It used to, it doesn't now. It's been a week that I'm using npm for my...

UPDATE: answered while drafting this - `easy_install .` inside the repo using a homebrew `easy_install` (in my case). I didn't end up pursuing this much but came back to it...

It sort of works for me on 10.12.6, but it's rather finicky. I'll report back on how it goes when I upgrade to High Sierra...

I think this is the upstream issue for the confusing bubbling: Seems like a bit of a dealbreaker, altho there's a proposed workaround or two such as @sebmarkbage in...

Is it worth submitting feedback upstream to postgres? Curious about the blocker in how postgres works versus MySQL.

@arichtman did they get back to you? Was their a ticket number? Ideally point them back here

UPDATE: nevermind - my config was wrong. Proper config worked: scoop config: ```txt last_update : 2023-10-26T22:49:49.9037506-07:00 use_external_7zip : True scoop_branch : develop scoop_repo : ``` I had an incorrect...

Some people don't want registry edits so hopefully we can warn people before they are made, or make this happen only if people opt in via a flag or only...

@shadycuz did you ever make progress on this? ideally it would work plain vanilla with the configuration that you posted initially

This definitely seems to work when you've got a `.project` file - that file gets updated live when you've got it Note that this live-updating of the `.project` file happens...