Ben Creasy

Results 90 comments of Ben Creasy

over at git-secret, a RFC on "A stable and forwards compatible public key storage format" was merged recently

I ran into this over at - I had misspelled account as acount, but all I got was the usage. Ended up having to debug docopt to figure out...

I think sddm supports autologin as well:

No keypress is necessary if you follow the process at

I was thinking about trying to ditch excel for a bit and just use mito, but without this feature, doesn't seem that doable? In the meantime a pointer on how...

Not possible to add rows tho right?

forked it and published a version for my own private use which is compatible -I wouldn't rely on my package but anyone can do the same

I uploaded 1.0.0b2.dev0 (the latest master commit) to pypi for my own purposes:

Addressing this power management issue may fix and

> It does not really matter (for development) if you have 3.5 or 3.4 in the end. It really does matter. People want reproducible builds so there is no chance...