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Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems

Results 94 Powerwall-Dashboard issues
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**Problem** Unable to do detail analysis of shade issues over time. **Enhancement** I would like a way to overlay the last X days of data onto one chart, and isolate...


I have 2 PowerWall+ and 1 Tesla Inverter for a total of 3 Inverters (3 x 7.6kw = 22.8kW max) fed by 9 strings, three strings to each inverter all...


It would be really cool to see the integrated power that is generated by the individual strings. I really like to see the string power curves, but also seeing integrated...


**Context** When I run `upgrade.sh` in rootless docker, the grafana docker container is set up to run grafana as user 472 inside the container, which maps to a subuid of...

**Problem** The existing backup script requires users to make their own copies, and as such isn't as easy as it could be, and changes to the process aren't reliably enforceable....


**Problem** Currently there is no indication of how much of the solar generated power is being self-consumed (vs. sent to the grid) **Enhancement** Similar to the % Solar Powered for...


**Problem** The upgrade script can be brittle at times, but is generally fine. This issue is a place where we can recap older or known issues, and potentially make improvements....


I have been using https://www.percona.com/software/database-tools/percona-monitoring-and-management to monitor a few hosts. Something interesting that it includes is the ability to update the dashboard directly from inside the dashboard. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6295044/231211046-c79f48ac-ff39-4c7a-a83b-2834fe6e8307.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6295044/231211545-402972fe-3085-42e7-98f0-f6ea64aa305b.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6295044/231211627-f6a25600-6207-418d-af33-996455752c3c.png)...


I am just going through my first upgrade of the Dashboard. I am running into problems as the removal of the images (`docker rmi` step) fails. I am using some...


**Problem** I have slowly migrated most of my personal container usage to podman. My last remaining stack was Powerwall. The transition was pretty simple, given the project's aim for rootless...
