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Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems

Results 94 Powerwall-Dashboard issues
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**Problem Description** New, clean installation, does not display anything for 'Current State' and the Powerflow animation is absent. In Chrome, the Powerflow pane reports 'x.x.x.x refused to connect', in Safari...


**Problem** When the computer, docker, or the Powerwall-Dashboard after an upgrade restarts, only the "Pypowerwall" container starts. The other containers don't start. They are: **grafana influxdb weather411 telegraf** **To Reproduce**...

Hello I need to use a pre existing influxdb2. In Telegraf I configured a new [output](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/outputs/influxdb_v2) in telegraf.local and removed the old influxv1 one from telegraf.conf: ``` [[outputs.influxdb_v2]] urls =...


The default influxdb.conf file contains this section: ``` [monitor] store-enabled = true store-database = "_internal" store-interval = "10s" ``` This enabled statistics logging to the _internal database which in turn...

Requested from user, Grant Massie: > Is there a way I can change the currency from $ to £? Need to investigate options in Grafana.


There has been a lot of interest by Tesla Solar owners who don't have a Powerwall, to get a similar dashboard for their system. I'm opening this as a feature...


This is a proposal to upgrade the pinning to newer version of Grafana and Telegraf: * Grafana (v9.4.14) * Telegraf (v1.28.2) * pyPowerwall (v0.6.2t28) - Required to support background color...


**Problem** Currently when I am charging my car, its energy is included in the house consumption. **Enhancement** In the tesla app it shows the car charging energy as a separate...

I am aware of the cloud based retrieval discussed in https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard/issues/12 and also the excellent tool for cloud based data population. But I am wondering how we can get data...

Hi folks - I've had an issue where Dock Desktop upgraded to v4.24.1 (Windows 11) - and seems to have broken Telegraf. The container is now stuck in a restart...