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Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems

Results 94 Powerwall-Dashboard issues
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This morning I noticed my Powerflow animation is just flashing on the dashboard. I checked my firmware version, and it looks like I got updated to 22.18.6. Is anyone else...


I found someone using a heatmap to chart solar data over time. Thought something like this would be a great addition to the dashboard. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21042299/191508719-e88ad0c3-31cc-4d3b-8c0b-57246b11e74e.png) https://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com/pv/public_systems/3J9a932010/overview


Upgraded using upgrade.sh. It failed, had to run it again and then weather.sh and tz.sh. Imported new animation dashboard, not seeing it. Downloaded dashboard from repository and imported it same...


**Problem** PWD currently uses bind mounts for persistent storage on the host. Docker recommends using volumes for persistent storage for a range of reasons (https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/). The main benefits for PWD...

I'm having to reset my gateway password everyday or so. Says Bad Credentials. I have the latest version 4.1.3; did this version have a fix for this? Could the cause...

I am not sure if this is a new change from Tesla but I had local LAN setup and working fine but now it does not pull any data after...

**Problem** When running the [tesla-history import tool](https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard/tree/main/tools/tesla-history#tesla-history-import-tool) not all of the data is being imported to the database. Specifically, the end of each day is missing data. When running the...


Updates: * Upgrade to pyPowerwall proxy v0.8.1 - Major refactoring of code in https://github.com/jasonacox/pypowerwall/pull/77 and https://github.com/jasonacox/pypowerwall/pull/78 and addition of new Alerts. * Disable `GF_PATHS_PROVISIONING` from `grafana.env` base to speed up...

Enhancement: show "reserve" setting in main graph I modify the reserve setting a lot depending on weather to support being self-powered as much as possible (but still having safety buffer...


The removal of vitals eliminated several system level alert signals. This panel show the before/after alert graph during the Firmware upgrade for my system. Some of the old alerts could...
