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Powerwall-Dashboard copied to clipboard

Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems

Results 94 Powerwall-Dashboard issues
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I have a Powerwall3 and finally got time to spin this up. Running this all on W11 with WLS running Ubuntu. My PW3 is hardwired. My experience is as follows:...


I had to re-do some things in Home Assistant due to the deprecation of Openweathermap 2.5 which will happen this month. Just wanted to give a heads up. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/openweathermap/

First of all, I do appreciate @jasonacox to provide us this awesome tool! I am using Solar-Only dashboard and it works well except the Power Flow animation and Energy Usage...

**Problem** The various instructions to install prerequisites for ecowitt and tesla history (and maybe others) are no longer correct on Ubuntu 22.x + **To Reproduce** Attempt to install python modules:...
