Jason Hartman
Jason Hartman
- make dev dependencies actual devDeps clearing up production dependencies on old `@fluidframework/*` versions and `punycode`, `querystring`, `url`, `url-parse` packages. - also list those that are needed to run tests...
## Summary Using a base configuration with long `reportVariants` such as ```json "apiReport": { "reportVariants": ["public", "beta"] }, ``` cannot be shortened in a derived config. If the derived specifies:...
### VS Code version 1.90.2 ### Extension version 2.3.0 ### Biome version 1.7.3 ### Operating system - [X] Windows - [ ] macOS - [X] Linux ### Description While using...
Add pair of type filters for JSON based serialization. `JsonSerializable` produces type representing limitations of serializing `T`. Incompatible elements are transformed to `never` or `SerializationError*` types that orignal `T` is...
For Signals, use a `/` separated address in `IEnvelope`. No change to Ops. Reading is always supported. Writing (sending) requires "2.2" compatibility mode to be enabled. Also cleans up imports...
mimimal changes within existing packages to support distributed independent state experimental feature and other features that are container associated but not data stores. Uses the proposed routing changes found in...
with example use
The attached sub-issues chronicle all of the major (breaking) changes to take place in client 2.10 release for `/legacy` APIs (tagged `@legacy+@alpha`). | | | | -------------------------- | ------------ |...
The attached sub-issues chronicle all of the major (breaking) changes to take place in client 2.20 release for `/legacy` APIs (tagged `@legacy+@alpha`). | | | | -------------------------- | ------------ |...