Jason Hartman
Jason Hartman
Using rule: `'header/header': [2, 'line', 'my header comment.']` with file: ```javascript // my header comment. console.log(1); ``` reports `incorrect header`. Changing rule to: `'header/header': [2, 'line', ' my header comment.']`...
build(client): use fluid-tsc for Node16 test builds - remove now stale tsc-multi configurations and replace all use with fluid-tsc. - enable ESM build for tree test - testing ESM is...
Rather than look at contents of technically unrelated dist files, look to see if any files exist that would be renamed.
now that build tool recognizes tsc-mutli
better inspect complex ranges with || handle cross prerelease rejection in single range set refactor tests to see examples in table form
When javascript is scanned during finalize typescript-parser-wrapper can throw with tsconfig.json path mismatch. This particular situation was found when more than javascript was detected and was on a Windows agent....
fix(build-tools): restore some tsc dep checking fluid-build-tasks-tsc policy handler was searching for command line of exactly "tsc" which has been mostly abandoned since Node16+ESM pattern. Create a build database that...
overlay of proposed new "Jsonable" type over the existing one. There are breaks in client making this change that are not addressed. One common case is not allowing `undefined`, which...
from ESM build cleanups Continue supporting CommonJS watch except for devtool-example that had a mix of ESM+CJS and switch to support ESM