We already have a battery of carrot tests that we would like to run to evaluate the HaplotypeCaller. However those tests do not currently cover any of the new use...
Recently for Mutect a new class of `JumboInfoFieldAnnotations` and `JumboGenotypeAnntations` were introduced into GATK and their names are somewhat misleading and confusing on first pass. I would suggest renaming them...
I have noticed after looking at the HaplotypeCaller command line in some recent forum posts (https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/7293912288795-Haploytpe-caller-shows-me-that-0-read-s-were-filtered-by-MappingQualityAvailableReadFilter-etc) that the output of the filtering summary can be confusing if a lot of...
I recently noticed a series of what were evidently memory failures when running HaplotypeCaller on some standard test WGS data when using the exact task used in the warp pipeline...
Initial check-in to find test failures. Adresses #8328