Jake Giltsoff
Jake Giltsoff
@maniator ah nice thanks, I was having some troubles with that. I’ll test locally then get this merged.
@mitchrenton Is that with the default fonts? If you alter the `cap-height` values in the variables they will be different.
@paulhbarker hmm, it does use the font’s defined cap-height in the equations so there may be a different issue causing what you are seeing. It could be an issue there...
@scottyeck Cool — this shouldn’t actually change the outputted CSS though?
@KingScooty Ah hmm, this will depend on the base values you have. I should probably just make this 1px for sanity.
@KingScooty Ok, well then yea it depends on the browser and screen as to wether it will be rendered. I’ll update it to 1px.
@KingScooty The whole bower setup for this project is far from ideal. I should perhaps try to break it out into a separate branch which would work better for adding...
@TheJaredWilcurt I’ll think on this. This isn’t the direction I wanted to take the project, it is more of a boilerplate / starting point than an add-on unit. I can...
Hi Matthew, I’ll look into getting something sorted for form elements. Thanks!
A workaround for now that can easily be used is to apply the `baseline` mixin to a containing element. For example wrap a `button` in a `div` with class `.button-align`,...