Jae Bradley

Results 32 comments of Jae Bradley

## :rotating_light: The automated release from the `master` branch failed. :rotating_light: I recommend you give this issue a high priority, so other packages depending on you could benefit from your...


@steverob thanks for the feedback - and really good idea (definitely a product gap for this CLI). I actually thought about requesting rides via the command line but it's non-trivial....

@steverob hey thanks for bumping this thread - I've been busy consolidating code in some other repos and haven't had time to reinvestigate this. Personally / selfishly, my next goals...

@brunetton what version of `tinder-client` are you using? As of `v4.1.2`, `tinder-client` should have a dependency to `tinder-access-token-generator` (see #113 or checkout [the `package.json` on `master`](https://github.com/jaebradley/tinder-client/blob/42b1a210a817b7cfc64570a347f3ee72112421ef/package.json#L49)). Does installing `v4.1.2` resolve...

@ndmgrphc I think it would definitely be possible to allow the API user to pass a token generator. I was curious if you knew what is causing the issues above?...

@thedjpetersen sorry for the delay on reviewing this - are there specific endpoints you'd like implemented? I'd have a slight preference having the client provide the API vs. exposing the...

@leepa thanks for opening this issue! When you say "it appears the constant launching when Spotify is not running"...is that the constant launching of the modal or something else?

While Atom might be universal, [Spotify's API](https://developer.spotify.com/applescript-api/) for controlling player behavior is not. After some brief investigation, I did not see an API to control Spotify's behavior on Windows or...

@YtvwlD thanks for bringing that to my attention! Will look into that.