Results 153 comments of jabdoa2

I think the above already happens with the sample code from your website. Just load and set uvloop before that and you will be able to see it.

Currently nagstamon will silenty fail to connect to any SSL host if you omit the (undocumented) steps above when running it from the source folder. This at least issues a...

We have also seen this. When the certificate of the VPA webhook expired (or it becomes nonfunctional otherwise) VPA will start to evict pods constantly. No exponential backoff or anything...

Same issue here. Setup is similar (S3 and Redis).

We would like to use pyserial-asyncio on windows. What needs to be done to support it? Currently, we use add_reader/add_writer with pyserial which seems to work fine on windows.

I was not asking for a reason. I would opt to implement windows support. However, by looking at the code base i did not find any spot where it might...

Can we create an issue against asyncio or python to create some awareness about this? They probably do not know that we need this as public method.

Created an issue with python asyncio for this matter:

Python issue was been closed. Created a new one as requested: