Krithika Iyer
Krithika Iyer
I need to finish organizing the biventricle data.
- Look into VTK loop sub-division to improve mesh quality and other smoothing options - Check ACVD again, does it work on open meshes?
@akenmorris, @sheryjoe: Looks like windowed sinc smoothening(with added arguments) is a better option than Laplacian smoothening. Windowed Sinc with updated options: `mesh.smoothSinc(10,0.5)` Iteration: 10, passband: 0.5 ``` smoother->SetNumberOfIterations(iterations); smoother->BoundarySmoothingOn(); smoother->FeatureEdgeSmoothingOn();...
Edge angle will have to be added to Studio. Iterations and relaxation are exposed currently for Laplacian, and iteration and passband are exposed for window sinc.
- Using the edge smoothing option can curl the edges inwards - Remeshing can cause non-manifold edges at the boundary faces that have an opposite ordering giving an inverted normal...
Related #1384
Need discuss how to include these options in the XML file? - Enable shared boundary and set the weighting across domains in studio - Option to toggle opacity in...
The shared boundary is also a mesh. So the project file has 4 input columns: left_mesh(vtk), right_mesh(vtk),shared_surface_mesh(vtk), boundary_contour(vtp).