Isaac Virshup

Results 549 comments of Isaac Virshup

Also, still planning on back porting this? I'm going to lunch now, but wanna make a release before that.

@giovp @LucaMarconato, could you advise here?

Has the format changed for all assays, or is this specific to visium HD? And is there significant analysis that can be done on these without taking into account extra...

What should we do about things that return sparse classes? After brief discussion with @jjerphan and @ogrisel it sounds like the desired behavior is to pass through the array classes...

> Maybe something like: There has been discussion of removing some of the `isspmatrix_*`/ `isspmatrix` functions and replacing them with instance checks. E.g.: `isinstance(x, sp.spmatrix)`. However, there will be some...

@WeilerP, I've commented on the original issue, but I'm generally :-1: on this. If you have particular use cases or needs that make this more valuable please make your case...

The nice thing about allowing non-integer types for the index is that it isn't a breaking change (well, maybe if edge cases were relying on the string conversion for non-integer...

I believe this has now been addressed for future versions of anndata through our encoding mechanism, so will close this.

I'm going to close this as it seems a unclear what the actual issue is, and other topics that have been brought up seem like they are covered by existing...

Without more details, it's difficult to tell what exactly should happen here. Most use cases I can think of here should be possible by passing `join="outer"`. I'm going to close...