Isaac Virshup

Results 549 comments of Isaac Virshup

I have a suggestion which is a bit of a different approach, but should be easier to implement and give the most flexibility around documentation writing and display to library...

Some work in going into this over at

I'm definitely tempted, but it'd likely be a little while until I have time to get through the paper and the code. If I were to rewrite the docs, I'd...

Thanks for the advice! I'm still having trouble though. Here's what I've run so far: ``` conda create -n datashader conda activate datashader conda install --deps-only -yc pyviz datashader ```...

Progress! I got rid of the tornado error by downgrading tornado. Now pytest runs, but for some reason it's not finding all the tests. Here's the full set of commands...

@philippjfr could you point out to me where that's exposed? I'd like to see an example of this argument being used. I found the holoviews function `connect_edges_pd`, which does what...

While CI and installation stuff gets worked out, do I have the devs blessing to change the edge id tests?

@jbednar, any chance you've been able to look at those tests?

No problem! Yeah, the current implementation was much more complicated than I was expecting. I would note the current datashader function does return faulty values if the data doesn't match...

IIRC, different environments ran different sets of tests. There was some discussion of this in, but I'm not sure if the issue has been solved since.