Isaac Virshup

Results 549 comments of Isaac Virshup

> if a name of the index to the var table is an int. Setting the name to a string fixes this. Reading this again, makes me think issue has...

@axol0tl, please open a full bug report with an example and traceback:🐛&projects=&template=bug-report.yml

I think we are going to hold off on this until there is better support in the broader ecosystem for these classes. E.g. until scikit-learn can use these, it's difficult...

@djarecka > Hi, I was wondering if there is any update on this issue. I have a big file on S3 and I would love to be able to read...

Most of this feature has been released in scanpy 1.10 via `sc.get.aggregate`: thanks for getting this started and apologies for how long it took to get out!

I'm going to close this as not planned. I think we're going to go with a different approach to backed data where everything can be backed. This won't be built...

The issue reported by @bio-la is tracked in #679 and now is on tracked for inclusion in 0.9.0. The specific error reported by @avpatel18 could happen for a large number...

I'm going to close this as not planned. It doesn't fit in the data model of our storage, and I don't think it adds enough value to burden other implementors...

Not marking as stale, but also not sure where this sits on a roadmap until there is an implementation plan. At the moment, I would suggest we can split this...

@Zethson, I recall this coming up with some `ehrapy` devs. Was anyone up for making a PR/ pushing this issue?